Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Total Adventure Ticket (DMR) day 4

This would be our playground for the day! Durango Mountain Resort has wonderful activities for the summer. Today we will do the ski lift, the alpine slide, the bungee tramp, and even gold mining. We have tickets for 4 hours of fun. Let's see if we can fit it all in...
The line was kind of long we when got to the ski lift but it would prove to be worth the wait.

I was so nervous about getting on the lift with Emily. My mom would die if she could see what we were doing. The attendants at the lift were great about getting her on and off. She hardly moved the whole time we were going up. She said, "Mom, why do you have to hold me on my leg?"
Yes, we came from way down there! It was a gorgeous view.

This is a view of the Alpine Slide. You sit on a little scooter and coast down the mountain. Well actually you go pretty fast.
See, fast! And it hurts when you crash! Don't worry, Emily was on my slide!

Daniel, Emily and David have all done this before but it was nothing like this. At the mall they don’t tighten the ropes as much and the attendants don’t pull you down and bounce you like they do here. IT WAS AWESOME!

Attempting to flip!

Flipping is so much harder to do than it looks.

Emily absolutely loved it. I never thought she would like being that high but she asked to go even higher! She was the hit of the crowd. Two people came up to ask how old she was and everybody was cheering her on. What a star!

Dave looking cool in his harness.

I loved this shot. The girl would pull him down several times and then he would fling up in the air. All the girls love to hang on my husband - haha!

The common noontime shower came through right on schedule so they closed everything down. The only thing left to do was go mining. Daniel was very excited to find an arrowhead in his first tray full. They found 6 other arrowheads and lots and lots of colorful gems. The resort gives rain checks so we will back tomorrow!
A little tennis. More like, ball chasing!
Emily looks like a pro!

I didn’t think it was a good idea but you know Dave, he insisted on a hike. Rain or not. He wasn’t gone too long but he was disappointed that he didn’t see a bear.

The kids and I headed to the pool for a swim. It was freezing cold even though it was an indoor pool. There was even warm water flowing through the jets but I was shivering. Emily's lips were blue by the time we got out. (Daniel wanted to try on Emily's floaties for fun - easy swimming but man they hurt coming off of his big arms!)

We went right down the road from the condo for dinner tonight at the Sow’s Ear. (Don’t ask – I didn’t read the history of the restaurant to figure out where the name came from.) The view at our table was great too even though this picture doesn't show it well.

I did, however, notice the price of the kid’s meals - $8 each for mac and cheese (Emily) and two chicken tenders with fries (Daniel). Oh well, we all enjoyed it!
I just had to take a picture of the food! (This was mine.) The asparagus was delicious.

Dave had salmon too.

We headed down to Durango after dinner for some ice cream. The kids were very impressed with the parking meters. They had never seen those before.

After our ice cream, we did a little window shopping. We were able to see them making candied apples at a popular chocolate factory.

When we finally made it back to our condo tonight it was 52 degrees outside. It felt wonderful. What a change from Houston. Tomorrow we are headed back to finish up our adventure ticket/rain check. Then we are off to 4 corners!

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