Saturday, July 25, 2009

Amarillo to Forth Worth (Wichita Falls) day 7

Today should have been our final day on the road. We planned to drive from Amarillo to Houston after a quick stop in Wichita Falls to see the man-made waterfall. We ended up staying in Dallas rather than get home after nidnight. (Thanks to those curtains we got a really late start!)
It was hot as all get out when we arrived in Wichita Falls to see the waterfalls.

There was a nice sidewalk that lead to the falls. The kids were glad to have their scooter and "tric-bike" as Emily calls it. And does that girl know how to pose for a picture or what?

It was .43 miles to the waterfall - less than a mile isn't bad but most of the sidewalk was in the sun rather than the shade.

The falls were nice but what you can't tell from the picture is how brown the water was! And the smell... yuck!

Hold your nose. It almost reminded me of Amarillo!

Daniel took this one.

Emily with another wood carved statue!

And another!

When we got to Fort Worth we stopped at the best BBQ place. Neither one of us had heard of this place or knew anything about it. We figured there would be a long wait since it was Friday at 7:00 but there wasn't. This place was huge!!!!! They had great food and excellent service. The patio/yard area out front was great too. If it had been a bit cooler we probably would have eaten outside.

This was the last picture I took....

Before we left, Megan and Charlie challenged Daniel and Emily to a licsense plate game. They had found 34 differnet states on their trip the week before ours. We found 40 and had them beat days before we got back home. However, when we came out of our hotel room this morning we found one more - HAWAII!!! No way. It was a great little ending to our wonderful trip!

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