Thursday, July 23, 2009

More adventure activities and 4 Corners (day 5)

Good morning indeed. This is the view from our room. Nice sunrise over the mountain. There was a bit of road noise at night when we had the window opened. I guess the sound was worth the refreshing, cool air.
We went back to Durango Mountain Resort to finish up a few of the adventure things we hadn’t gotten to do the day before. Then we got back on the scenic lift and went all the way up. I couldn’t get a good picture that showed just how high it was but it was way up there. It was ¾ of a mile and we climbed over 1000 feet in elevation.

We had a little snack at the top and then headed back down. Like I said, none of the pictures do this justice because the other ski lifts are right in front of you and there were a couple of dips in the mountain. I’ll try to show the best ones. You can also see Emily and David in front of us.

Nearing the end of the lift. This picture was taken much closer to the bottom of the lift than the top.

David was able to go back up the mountain on the lift and then ride his bike down. It was a short trip but he said it was very difficult even though it was down hill. Lots of controlled braking; and fast, sharp turns. He loved it but he is sore now!

Four Corners is the only place in the United States where you can stand in 4 states at once. (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado) There is some controversy now about the accuracy of this spot but we are going with this spot! My parents took us here when I was little and I remember being so disappointed. I thought it was going to be like Old Town Spring for some reason. I had fully prepared Daniel for what to expect so he wasn’t disappointed. He was just excited to say that he had done it.

We saw some great scenery again on our drive today. We also got stuck in some road construction and had to sit for a long time - thank goodness Granny's van has A/C!!!

Elk are common in Colorado even though the only one we saw was on an Elk Farm.
More pretty views.

We had dinner in town at Tequila’s and then did a little more window shopping.

David really wanted to check this store out but they were already closed.

On the way back to our condo we stopped at this roadside hot spring. It was warm; not hot like I expected.

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